Everything is beautiful in the garden today – blossoms have burst on the lilacs and irises. While the former has a bold, confident perfume, the latter has a subtle, soapy gentle smell and the air is full of these exquisite scents.
The explosion of colour is also quite magnificent. The lilacs with their deep reddish tight buds opening into gentler shades of lilac, and the irises, some purple with their yellow beards and others a deep midnight blue – contrast brilliantly with the bright yellow of the Kerria and the yellow, orange and red of the Wallflower. In fact the berries are still clinging to the Nandina from autumn and the red tulips from springtime are side by side like a work of art.
Warm days and sunshine have arrived (for now) and it’s difficult to focus on doing something or simply being distracted by nature’s wonderful assault on the senses.